Saturday, April 01, 2006

1 April 2006 Leaves and early cleanup

The front garden bulbs are all about 6" high. On Thursday and Monday it was sunny and mild, so the leaves got moved to down the hill under Old Man Willow to smother the garlic mustard. I take the pruners along when I rake and pull to get the stalks I left in the fall for wildlife habitat. I went after and pulled crab grass in the beds when I couldn't help myself. Early spring is a good time to get weeds, as the ground is damp. It is well to pull Ground Ivy before it gets going too.
Time to start the tomatoes and transplant the greens (Broccoli, kale and Tsat Tsoi Rokcoco and and put them out in the covered house. It may be late on the transplanting, but the broccoli etc. will be so thankful for a transplant that they will forgive me, I'm thinking.
No Peppers or parsley sprouts yet. They take a long time, patience. Meantime, I wonder if the seeds are bad. This happens every year.
It is nice to look out and see growth. Daffodils up six inches, Tulips the same and purple crocus blooming. I brought in some Star of Bethlehem and some of the Forsythia I forced is on the kitchen table. It is quite yellow.


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